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The Shed

In 2014, a couple of years into my retirement, I had the notion to own a Hattersley treddle loom, similar to the ones used on the Isle of Lewis for producing the Harris Tweed fabric. It took a while to locate one and some interesting days hauling it from the Western Isles. My idea had been to house it somewhere in the village where I live so that I could walk or cycle to work on it at my whim. We searched the Liddel valley from one end to the other for the necessary small space, just a small barn, a bothy, a shed; all to no avail. Sadly, I decided that I would have to look further afield.

With the help of the Langholm Initiative and Ashley Bank I located what has now become The Shed. It is a small corner of the building that started life in 1878 as Criterion Mill, extended in 1893 by the new owner Arthur Bell, it was re-named Buccleuch Mill. The mill spun and wove Saxony and Cheviot tweeds of the highest quality for over a hundred years. Their cloths had a look and handle that was recognised and celebrated around the World. We try today to continue that tradition of making good quality tweed fabric and with our commitment to using wool from shepherds and producers within the United Kingdom, we aim to support all aspects of British manufacturing in our processing and production.
